Inspections and Certifications

Experienced Fireplace and Chimney Inspectors
Level Two Chimney Inspection
- Accessible: May require the use of commonly available tools to remove doors, panels, or coverings, but will not damage the chimney or building structure or finish.
- Readily Accessible: Exposed, or capable of being exposed, for operation, inspection, maintenance, or repair without the use of tools to open or remove doors, panels, or coverings.
- Fireplace Dampers: Fireplace flue liners with cracks and open mortar joints can be dangerous when combined with any creosote buildup. A quick video inspection will assure that the fireplace is a tight system. In the case that these concerning cracks and holes are found, we can offer a great repair rather than an expensive new liner.
Are you buying or selling a home in Bensalem, PA? Bensalem requires a Level II chimney inspection for the resale of any property. Don't worry, we have you covered! We offer same-week appointments for inspections in Bensalem. We provide thorough,...
Selling your home? Do you have a Conshohocken Borough inspection requirement? We have you covered! With electronic confirmations, hour arrival times, same week inspection appointments, and easy payment. We perform this certification for $89.
Having your gas fireplace regularly inspected and tuned up ensures safe and efficient operation. The Chimney Scientists are readily-equipped to inspect and clean your gas fireplace to ensure proper functionality. Our Gas Diagnostic Inspection and Tune-up Service Includes: inspection and...
Inspection instead of an estimate We thoroughly inspect and write a report onsite identifying any problems and aspects of your chimney with a video camera (level 2) before issuing any estimates. The process takes about 1-2 hours per chimney. It...
Level 2 $299 We thoroughly inspect and write a report onsite identifying any problems and aspects of your chimney with a video camera (level 2) before issuing any estimates. The process takes about 1-2 hours. The report includes not only...
Selling your home? Does your Borough require an inspection to sell your home? We have you covered! With electronic confirmations, hour arrival times, same week inspection appointments, same-day reports, and easy payment. We perform this certification for $199. We provide you...
Are you selling or buying a home or business in Norristown? Is the township asking for a Use and Occupancy? Do you have a Norristown Borough chimney inspection requirement? We have you covered! With electronic confirmations, hour arrival times, same-week...
Agent Chimney Inspection $199 We honor our hard-working real estate agents with a discounted inspection for home sales. We thoroughly inspect and write a report onsite identifying any problems and aspects of your chimney with a video camera (level 2)...