Our Founder
A Microbiologist Turned Chimney Specialist

While working for his Uncle Bob’s fireplace showroom during his undergraduate studies, our founder gained multiple hearth & chimney industry certifications while installing and maintaining fireplace products. Upon entering his graduate education in Microbiology at Thomas Jefferson University’s College of Biomedical Sciences, Joe started the Chimney Scientists, a full-service chimney & fireplace company. With a strong set of core values the Chimney Scientists have grown to a large team of kind hearted professionals working together to bring customers the best quality service possible as well as a truly thorough scientific education of their chimney and fireplace.
Preferring a chimney brush to a lab bench, Joe still gets his scientific fix creating and funding Afrilab medical diagnostics, Valley Forge Watershed Association's water quality testing program, and working internationally with chimney industry leaders on wood burning and moisture content testing to significantly reduce particulate emissions in a practical way.