Not sure what you need?
Not Sure What You Need?
Don’t worry. We can figure it out. Whether you’re concerned about a crack forming in your chimney, or you don’t remember the last time your chimney was properly inspected, we have you covered.
We are a full-service, 5-star chimney company. We truly have had great success resolving all types of issues for our clients, and we can help you too. Don’t just take our word for it – please feel free to reviews the hundreds of reviews previous customers have shared!
Give us a call at 610-909-5585 or send us an email at, and we will set up our first available appointment with you.
What to Expect?
We will schedule an appointment so that we can thoroughly inspect your chimney and write an onsite report for your review. This inspection will typically take 45 minutes to 1.5 hours, during which we will identify any problems and prepare solutions. We will do this before issuing any estimates, regardless of how big or small.
We’ll then provide you with a detailed report, including pictures of your chimney with the issues flagged accordingly, as well as our recommendation for how to fix them. We will also include diagrams and illustrations of your chimney’s composition, so that you personally will have a better understanding of how it works and how it is constructed.
This service is $162, but we will credit you this amount back toward any work that is completed with The Chimney Scientists.