Inspections and Certifications
Reasons to Get a Flue Inspection
There are several key reasons you should consider requesting a flue inspection. The most common are if you are preparing to sell your home, if you are hoping to change your flue type, and also, it is recommended for general safety purposes. As chimneys age, they need maintenance to ensure they’re working properly.
Real Estate
Chimneys have many hidden components that cannot be seen without special equipment. We can make sure your chimney is up to code and is safe for use. Our main priorities are to ensure it will not allow water or animals to sneak into your home and that it does not have level 2 or 3 creosote that can make your home smell smoky on humid days.
Changes to the Flue
A level 2 inspection is required when any changes are made to the system. Changes can include a change in the fuel type, changes to the shape of, or material in, the flue (i.e., relining), or the replacement or addition of an appliance of a dissimilar type, input rating, or efficiency, additionally after an operation malfunction or external event that is likely to have caused damage to the chimney. Building fires, chimney fires, seismic events, and weather events are all indicators that this level of inspection is warranted.
Safety and Condition
Chimneys and flues age like other components of your home. Moisture, heating, cooling with the weather, and time all make parts of your chimney like mortar even if you are not using it become fragile or porous. This allows water to intrude into your home, gasses leaching into your home, and it may even put you at risk of fire.
Upgrades - enhancements
Sometimes, your fireplace can be used as an alternative source of heat for a room or your entire home. Consider upgrading your wood-burning fireplace to an insert or stove. We offer a range of fabulous gas inserts and logs to choose from, and we provide all the necessary services without the need for extra vendors. The best way to begin this process is with a full inspection, including measurements and code assessments.