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News — building a fire

In the news: ValiantCEO writes about Joe Ochal and Microbiology

In the news: ValiantCEO writes about Joe Ochal and Microbiology

The first step in properly maintaining your fireplace is knowing what kind of fireplace you have. If you have an electric fireplace, it is crucial to read the user manual and follow it step-by-step. For example, using the correct plugs and outlets can prevent fires in electric fireplaces. Finding out which to use is found in the user manual.

In comparison to wood fireplaces, electric fireplaces require far less maintenance. However, wood burning fireplaces are Ochal’s favorite and are the type of fireplace he has most thoroughly analyzed with his scientific prowess.

Ochal recommends avoiding the use of wood from recently cut trees. He instead suggests using wood treated for starting fires. These are different from synthetic logs, which aren’t natural wood and, if used, should be ventilated with a fireplace flue to prevent carbon monoxide from spreading.

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